Tetris Effect: Connected Patch 1.3.2 (06/28/22)
——–PATCH NOTES V1.3.2 ——–
[EPIC] Added Cloud Save support.
[EPIC] As previously announced, the single-player Leaderboards have been reset due to switching to the Epic Online Services leaderboard system. An archive of the single-player leaderboards will be going up on the Tetris Effect: Connected website at https://www.tetriseffect.game/community/. (Watch our Twitter or join our Discord to be notified when!)
[ALL] Fixed an issue where OPTIONS > GAMEPLAY > DIAGONAL LOCK was not working correctly in MULTIPLAYER > RANKED MATCH and FRIEND MATCH.
[VALVE INDEX] Fixed an issue where the old bindings remained active when setting new bindings in OPTIONS > CUSTOMIZE CONTROLS.
[QUEST] Fixed an issue where timers in certain modes such as MARATHON were capped at 59:59.99.
[PC/QUEST] Fixed an issue where the Back button in the JOIN THE COMMUNITY page was unresponsive when clicking with mouse / VR pointer.
[ALL] Added an indicator in the interim results of CONNECTED to show which phase of the game you are in.
[PC] Updated Theater Mode to continue in the background even if you tab out of the game.
[XBOX] Fixed an issue where the game resets to the title screen when a controller disconnects.
[QUEST] Fixed an issue on the Quest Store version where the game crashes when playing with a bluetooth controller.
Other minor adjustments and bug fixes.
KNOWN IN-GAME ISSUES (not a comprehensive list):
[PS4/PS5, XBOX] Leaving the game in the multiplayer menu when suspending / putting your system into sleep or rest mode can (if or when your network connection is interrupted at any point) return a network error when trying to access Rankings or matchmaking in Ranked Matches. Please restart the game to fix this.
[SWITCH] Changing the Nintendo Switch system clock to a future time and posting scores in online multiplayer and then resetting it back could prevent your scores from updating in online multiplayer. Please do not change the system clock when playing online multiplayer.
[QUEST] Oculus Quest has implemented a new cloud backup system that is currently only available to users with OS version V35 or later. Please note that this cloud backup is a different system from the previous cloud save and backup occurs only once a day at a set time.
There is a risk that your progress may be lost when uninstalling if the data is not backed up correctly so we recommend you check below to see if the backup data exists before uninstalling the game.
[WINDOWS PC] A cloud save dialogue window can appear “under” the game when launching on some PC configurations, effectively stopping the game from starting. If you experience this issue, please go to Startup > Right-click on Tetris Effect Connected > More > Run As Administrator, and the cloud save dialog window should appear on top of the game.
[WINDOWS PC] If you have more than one Windows user signed in, your Xbox account may not be recognized in the game. A workaround is to sign out all other signed-in users so that your Xbox account will be recognized in the game.
Microsoft Store users: Please open the Microsoft Store page to download the latest version!
Found a bug? Please report it to us on Zendesk.