Tetris Effect: Connected Patch 1.2.2 (8/26/21)
——–PATCH NOTES V1.2.2——–
[XB1] Added new OPTIONS > GRAPHICS > GRAPHICS MODE option where players can choose PERFORMANCE (prioritizes framerate, maintaining 60fps in most cases) or FIDELITY (default option that prioritizes resolution). Note: this option only takes effect in-game and will not change menu appearances.
[PC] Fixed an issue where users could not cancel the initial tutorial pop-up screen if the video did not load correctly. (This fix should help users who could not get past the initial tutorial popup in the multiplayer menu.)
[WIN10] Updated the code so the app will now start in 1280x720 windowed mode at initial boot when there is no save file detected.
[STEAM] Fixed an issue where ”Certified Platinum” achievement did not unlock correctly.
[All] Fixed an issue where other players’ OVERALL SR and TIER icons did not display correctly in the MULTIPLAYER menu background.
[PS4] Adjusted visuals in Zone Battle to guard against a potential crash in PSVR.
[XB1/XSX/WIN10] Adjusted visuals in JOURNEY MODE stage Metamorphosis to guard against potential crashes.
[ALL] Fixed a bug in CONNECTED and CONNECTED VS multiplayer modes which resulted in the Tetrimidion boss favoring Blitzes (such as POP IN) of bosses from previous areas with higher probability.
[ALL] Other minor bug fixes and adjustments.
KNOWN ISSUES (not a comprehensive list):
[ALL] In the FRIEND MATCH lobby, the INVITE menu item should not appear for any players who joined the lobby via a ROOM ID, but currently is displaying for all players. This will be fixed (removed for those joining via ROOM ID) in an upcoming update.
[PS4/PS5, XB1/XSX] Leaving the game in the multiplayer menu when suspending / putting your system into rest mode can (if or when your network connection is interrupted at any point) return a network error when trying to access Rankings or matchmaking in Ranked Matches. Please restart the game to fix this.
[WIN10] On certain PC configurations, a cloud save dialogue window can appear “under” the game when launching, effectively stopping the game from starting. If you experience this issue, please go to Startup > Right-click on Tetris Effect Connected > More > Run As Administrator, and the cloud save dialog window should appear on top of the game.
Microsoft Store purchasers: Please open the Microsoft Store page to download the latest version!