Tetris Effect: Connected Patch (8/20/21)
——–PATCH NOTES V1.2.1.1——–
[XB1, XSX, WIN10] The v1.2.1.1 patch is submitted and awaiting approval but could take extra time due to the approval process. v1.2.1 and v1.2.1.1 can matchmake and play with each other, but please always keep your game updated to the latest version.
[ALL] Fixed an issue in RANKED and FRIEND MATCH lobbies, where a bug (player info not obtained correctly) could lead to a soft lock once both players selected Ready.
[ALL] Fixed an issue in CONNECTED mode where a player’s revival could happen during the Connected Zone phase, and lead to malfunctions or a crash.
[ALL] Other minor bug fixes and adjustments.
KNOWN ISSUES (not a comprehensive list):
[ALL] In the FRIEND MATCH lobby, the INVITE menu item should not appear for any players who joined the lobby via a ROOM ID, but currently is displaying for all players. This will be fixed (removed for those joining via ROOM ID) in an upcoming update.
[PS4/PS5, XB1/XSX] Leaving the game in the multiplayer menu when suspending / putting your system into rest mode can (if or when your network connection is interrupted at any point) return a network error when trying to access Rankings or matchmaking in Ranked Matches. Please restart the game to fix this.
[WIN10] On certain PC configurations, a cloud save dialogue window can appear “under” the game when launching, effectively stopping the game from starting. If you experience this issue, please go to Startup > Right-click on Tetris Effect Connected > More > Run As Administrator, and the cloud save dialog window should appear on top of the game.
Microsoft Store purchasers: Please open the Microsoft Store page to download the latest version!