“Tetris Effect” is the best game I played in 2018.
It takes a foundational game (“Tetris”), executes it perfectly, and crucially evolves the concept of what a “Tetris” game can be. It’s one of the only games from 2018 that I’ll continue playing into 2019 (and likely beyond).
You might think that a “Tetris” game in 2018 would have a hard time justifying a $40 price tag. “Tetris Effect” does not, and that’s mostly due to its endless replayability. It is, after all, “Tetris.”
More importantly, though, there are a variety of game modes to switch between. Despite the fact that you’re always essentially just playing “Tetris,” the different modes feel distinct and unique.
Looking to play something a little more relaxed? That’s an option. Want something that will demand your attention? Plenty of choices for that. Maybe you want something a bit more meditative? Sure thing!
When “Tetris Effect” is at its best, which is often, it captures my full attention. It’s a blessed respite from the modern world that I’m thankful for on a deeper level than the usual video game.”