“Enhance Games — the studio helmed by Rez creator Tetsuya Mizuguchi — announced today that it’s tackling a new version of the iconic puzzler Tetris. Called Tetris Effect, the new game is described as offering a “magical feeling of total immersion by surrounding you with fantastic, fully three-dimensional worlds that react and evolve based on how you play.” The game will feature more than 30 stages, including ones set underwater and in space, and, as you’d expect from the developer, it will have a strong focus on music and sound, in addition to block-matching.
Tetris Effect is launching on the PlayStation 4 this fall, and perhaps most intriguingly, it will include support for PlayStation VR. Enhance has a good track record with virtual reality, crafting the sublime VR version of Rez Infinite when the PSVR launched. And with Tetris, the developer says that the headset-enabled version of the game will offer “fully-immersive 3D.” You can get an early glimpse of the game in the debut trailer above, and expect to hear more at E3 in Los Angeles next week…”